
Religious Tolerance in Ras Al Khaimah
The Islamic spirit is reflected in all aspects of life, customs and traditions in the UAE. However, the UAE has a deep respect and tolerance for the traditions of other religions, and promotes harmony, moderation and peaceful coexistence with others. There are many mosques, churches and places of worship in the UAE, thus offering non-Muslims an opportunity to practice their religious rituals quite easily.
Memorisation of the Holy Quran Centres in Ras Al Khaimah
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments runs and supervises a number of Quran Memorisation centres across the country. Through these centres, the Authority deepens the reverence and greatness of the Holy Quran in the hearts of Muslims, and instils in them the love of God, His Messenger, their motherland and its leadership.
Quran Memorisation Permanent Centres
Sheikh Zayed Centre (07 2332329)
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (072356166)
Maymouna bint Al Harith (07 2365350)
Imam Malik ibn Anas (07 2262051)
Quran Memorisation Charitable Centres
Phone: 07 2239559
Fax: 072237977
Umar bin al-Khattab
Phone: 07 2222142
Fax: 072227755
Moreover, the Quran Memorisation Centres organise several courses throughout the year.Theyalso offer memorisation sessions in all mosques in the emirate.
General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE) is an independent legal authority which reports directly to the Cabinet. GAIAE is the UAE’s leading institution to promote social awareness and progress on the basis of the tolerant teachings of Islam. Its mission lies in enhancing religious awareness through building and maintaining mosques and Quran Memorisation Centres, organising Hajj and Umrah visits and investing awqaf (religious endowments) for the good of society.
The responsibilities of GAIAE include:
✓ Offer religious guidance in the UAE to instil the principles of moderation in Islam
✓ Spread Islamic culture and enhance religious awareness
✓ Manage and supervise mosques
✓ Provide Iftaa (Islamic Ruling)
✓ Organise Hajj and Umrah
✓ Hold conferences, seminars, festivities and religious contests
✓ Print and distribute copies of the Holy Quran
✓ Supervise Quran Memorisation and Religious Centres
✓ Review religious publications and DVDs
✓ Train Imams and preachers
✓ Grant work permits to imams and preachers
✓ Grant work permits to religious centres and Hajj and Umrah groups
✓ Supervise and invest awqaf assigned to GAIAE
✓ Promote the tradition of waqf for the cause of Allah and the benefit of society
For more information about the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, visit the
Authority’s Office in Ras Al Khaimah
Al Qawasim Corniche Street, near ADNOC station
Opposite the Court - next to Sheikh Zayed Mosque
Phone: 07 2332329
Fax: 07 2336337
PO Box: 355
Hajj and Umrah
Hajj is an occasion when millions of Muslims, regardless of their colour, ethnicity or nationality from everycorner of the world gather in Makkah each year. Government authorities in the UAE place great importance on providing pilgrims with the opportunity to perform the rituals of the fifth pillar of Islam in a peaceful and comfortable manner.
The Hajj and Umrah Department in the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments organises Hajj and Umrah, develops the necessary regulations and grants licences for Hajj and Umrah visits in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, in addition to many other tasks, including:
✓ Organize Hajj and Umrah and reinforce regulations
✓ Supervise the implementation of said regulations
✓ Regulate the performance of Hajj and Umrah contractors
✓ Grant permits for Hajj and Umrah groups based on the pertinent rules and regulations
✓ Perform the secretarial duties for the permanent committee for Hajj and Umrah
✓ Conduct an annual evaluation on the contractors and groups performance, and ensure their compliance with the agreements concluded with the pilgrims
✓ Coordinate, regulate and make the necessary preparations for the official Hajj delegation formed by a Decree of the UAE Cabinet
✓ Prepare plans to guide and preach to pilgrims and supervise its implementation
✓ Test the preachers who will join Hajj and Umrah groups
✓ Conduct training courses for Hajj and Umrah accompanying preachers
✓ Resolve the pilgrims’ complaints vis-à-vis their contractors or groups
✓ Review the Hajj guidelines issued by KSA and submit a report in this respect to the permanent committee for Hajj and Umrah to take the appropriate decisions
✓ Any other pertinent issues
The Authority provides three vaccines for the pilgrims:
- Meningococcal Vaccine (Quadruple): It is a mandatory vaccine for all pilgrims by KSA to protect them against meningitis.
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccine: It is a highly recommended vaccine to reduce the risk of flu.
- Pneumococcal Vaccine: It is recommended for adults aged 65 years and above, as well as for younger adults who have chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases (except high blood pressure), lung diseases (including asthma), liver diseases and kidney diseases, people who have a damaged spleen or their spleen has been removed and for people who have weakened immune systems to protect against pneumococcal diseases.
The RAK Medical District exertstremendous effort to protect the pilgrims from all sorts of diseases and epidemics that could threaten their health through the provision of vaccines at the Main Centre of the Department of Preventive Medicine, along with 12 health centres spread all over the emirate, such as RAK Health Centre, Al Nakheel , Al Rams among others.
Hajj and Umrah Campaigns in Ras Al Khaimah
Contact Number | Campaign Owner | Campaign Name | |
050 647 9559 / 07 228 1277 | | Ahmed Khalil Al Shirawi | Al Shirawi |
050 372 1333 / 07 243 0554 | | Abdullah Rashid Saeed Al Tayaree | Al Tayari |
050 627 7561 / 07 223 8099 | | Ahmad Abdullah Hassan Jassem Al Shehhi | Al Shehhi |
050 627 2151 / 07 223 7556 | | Ahmed Ali bin Halyouh | Bin Halyouh |
050 324 3377 / 07 233 7711 | | Essa Rashid Hasan Mohammed Al Oud | Bin Oud |
055 611 7700 / 07 223 8211 | | Mohammed Abdullah Hamdoun Zaid | Al Mataf |
050 540 0166 / 07 235 5145 | | Mohammad Yousuf Al Shirawi | Al Waleed |
050 199 2000 / 07 228 8881 | | Rashid Khalifa Ghazi Al Suwaidi | A’alam Al Thuraya |
050 487 4400 / 07 233 6642 | | Ahmed Mohammed Ali Obaid Al Naqbi (for Umrah pilgrims only) | Galfar for Umrah |
055 710 4019 / 07 233 3515 | | Sheikh / Saud bin Faisal Al Qasimi | Al Moltaqa for Umrah |
050 613 3443 / 02 641 0461 | | Mohammed Ibrahim Al Tunaiji | Al Tarwya (Branch) |
050 108 0613 / 07 235 1123 | | Adel Obeid Al Beh | Al Fajr (Branch) |
050 999 3457 / 07 226 3535 | | Mohammed Jaber Ahmad Al Shamsi | Ajman (Branch |