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Lifestyle in Ras Al Khaimah

Ras Al Khaimah has seen a huge cultural transformation and a growing urban rise in terms of service facilities in education, health, and real estate. The emirate now boasts outstanding tourism facilities and a breath-taking natural and man-made landscape that encompasses lush greenery, high mountains, and sprawling sand beaches.
In addition to that, the balance between work and leisure makes for an excellent lifestyle for its generous, hospitable residents. Ras Al Khaimah is also safe and secure, with justice prevalent and individual and business rights protected.
Ras Al Khaimah has many prestigious educational institutions including schools and universities. It also includes a large number of clinics, hospitals and health facilities. The emirate also enjoys seamless connectivity by virtue of a modern, intricately linked infrastructure of modern roads, bridges and public transport, as well as clubs, gardens, shopping centres, many international hotel, and cultural sites.
Ras Al Khaimah is protective of its Islamic values and Arab customs. The locals observe the noble Arab traditions and norms handed down from generation to generation, most importantly including coming to the aid of those in need of help, generosity, hospitability and chivalry.Despite the progress and modern life witnessed by Ras Al Khaimah, locals still keep tradition close to heart.